5 easy ways to create fabulous slides

Presentations, eh? We pretty much all have to do them now - and we certainly all have to watch them at some time or other. So let's all make nice ones, and collectively save ourselves from death by Powerpoint.

Creating decent slide-decks is actually very straightforward. The deck above details five methods, in order of easyness:

  • The simple colours method (easiest)
  • The one background, many colours method
  • The two-tone-texture method
  • The found-flickr method
  • The augmented white slide method (trickiest) .

On a closely related note, here's a quick reminder not to break the basic rules of presenting, which Slideshare featured on their homepage a while back:

Other guides (including Prezi presentation software) available here: thewikiman.org/tech.

Good luck creating fabulous slides!

- thewikiman